Solution:Get the admin password!
You can use test:test
1. Try to inject in user/password field such as SQL Injection it not show more information.
4. Try MongoDB Injection with user=admin&password[$ne]=1, and successfull to login as admin!
5. This challenge need a admin password, I try regex operator to guess a admin's password like user=admin&password[$regex]=^TWCTF{[Fuzz]
6. Set payload type Brute forcer with characte set in $ python -c "import string; print string.printable".
7. Set option Grep - Extract because if character is valid will return HTTP status code 302 Found to redirect to index page.
8. Start attack and found 1st character is "w" :)
9. Fuzzing to find another character of admin's password.
Flag: TWCTF{wasshoi!summer_festival!}