
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2558

TUM CTF Teaser: webshop (Web) Write-up

Well, I found this shop and their offers are quite awesome, but something here smells... fishy. 1.ctf.link:1124

1. Access to http://1.ctf.link:1124 and look around, I found this site use free web template from freewebsitetemplates.com

2. Try view-source to find something interest but not found, I think it just a static website.

3. Found interest in search form that action to search.php.

4. It should be have a name="search" right? , but It have value="search" only.

5. Try to search and intercept request with Burp Suite, not found a value that I input to search. :)

6. Add search parameter to post request and copy all line to webshop.txt

7. Using sqlmap and -r option to Load HTTP request from a file and set -p "search" for inject to search parameter.

8. SQL Injection vulnerability found in search parameter!! try to find tables, columns, dump data and get the flag!

Flag: hxp{this_is_just_a_place_holder}

